Figment3D Primitives
Overview of Figment3D Primitives
This shape wheel illustration demonstrates each of the seventeen Figment3D Primitives.
Starting counter-clockwise from top, these primitives are: Tube, Torus, Washer, Frame, Box, Plane, Disc, Sphere, Cone, Tetrahedron, Pyramid, Cube, Cylinder, Hollow Cone, Dome, Arc90 and Arc180.
The first eight types use only the Spine and Slice curves:
- Tube (Line, Circle)
- Torus (Circle, Small Circle (half sized))
- Washer (Circle, Small Square (half sized))
- Frame (Square, Square)
- Box (Line, Square)
- Plane (Line, Line)
- Arc90 (Quarter Circle, Circle)
- Arc180 (Half Circle, Circle)
The next nine types also use the Lathe curve:
- Disc (Line, Line, Half Circle)
- Sphere (Line, Circle, Half Circle)
- Cone (Line, Circle, Half Triangle)
- Tetrahedron (Line, Triangle, Half Triangle)
- Pyramid (Line, Square, Half Triangle)
- Cube (Line, Square, Half Square)
- Cylinder (Line, Circle, Half Square)
- Hollow Cone (Vertical Line, Circle, Diagonal Line)
- Crater/Dome (Vertical Line, Circle, Quarter Circle)
Finally there is the “empty” primitive:
- None (None, None, None)
See examples and additional details below.
Curve-Based Primitive Examples
Two-Curve Examples: Only the Spine and Slice keys are needed to make non-tapered surfaces. Two-curve examples include: Cylinder, Frame, Plane, Torus. Other two-curve primitives are: Arc90, Arc180, Box, Tube, and Washer.
Three-Curve Examples: Spine, Slice and Lathe keys are used to taper the radius of other Primitives. Three-curve examples include: Cone, Cube, Pyramid and Sphere. Additional primitives (not shown) include: Disc, Dome, Hollow Cone, Tetrahedron.